New Orleans Exchange – Day #.05

A Note from Lisa

Today we walked into Catapult, the shared space of Artspot Productions, Mondo Bizarro and New Noise (where Haymaker will perform their new piece on Thursday), and Sean La Rocca, Managing Director and Resident Composer for Artspot Productions, was talking on his cell phone and sweeping the floor.  And Emily said — Hey! That guy stayed at my house when New Noise presented Runnin’ Down the Mountain!

And I realized —

Haymaker volunteers to perform in PearlDamour’s How to Build a Forest (Fall 2012)
Phil Cramer, of New Noise in NOLA, was one of the performers.
PearlDamour and Haymaker begin this NET exchange (Spring 2013)
New Noise decides to tour a house party version of their show Runnin’ Down the Mountain to places in and around Appalachia.
Haymaker volunteers to host them (Spring 2013)
Haymaker comes to NOLA to continue exchange and perform I Know You Are But What Am I?
Catapult / New Noise offers to host them (Fall 2013)

And so on and so on….

Yesterday Haymaker also got to meet with Will Bowling of Goat in the Road Productions, who also works for NPN and is an active NET member.  I set up the meeting mainly so they could learn about how NPN works, but as it turns out the most meaningful part of the meeting was comparing the growing pains and growing triumphs of being a young company (Haymaker is 3, Goat in the Road is 5).

It makes me realize how much I love just setting things in motion…..knowing that there is no way in hell to know where it’s all going to lead….whether that is setting a project in motion or a set of meetings……it’s about, I suppose going into it with the right intentions, ready to improvise…..

Really looking forward to the performance today…..